Lie below downtown San Francisco buried, forgotten and affect the future of the land they sit on. They are still full of spirit and have a lot more story to tell. I want to bring this history to life through a hanging art installation that can affect positive changes in how we create the future of our waterfront.

Previous INSTALLATION Related to the Sunken Ships

TO HONOR and bring light to the buried Gold Rush ships lying below downtown San Francisco by creating a hanging art installation that calls attention to this graveyard.
TO AFFECT CHANGE that engenders new respect for our delicate environment, water relationships and inform future building practices. Highrise buildings on top of the ships are now sinking because of a lack of respect for nature and the power of water.
TO INFORM AND INSPIRE visitors and raise curiosity around history and the impact that has on us today. This can also inform other histories of cities built on landfill. When these ships come into our awareness we can imagine life as an immigrant seeking fortune that have direct parallels to today.
By reflecting back, as this installation invites us to do, we can re-discover ourselves as argonauts seeking gold.

The Sunken Spirit Ships
of San Francisco art installation will
engage visitors with curiosity about the
Gold Rush ships, the rush to fill a cove to grow the city and accelerate questions about sustainability of development on top of our delicate supporting earth.
It will activate a vital part of the early story of San Francisco and become an educational resource for future thinking about rising waters and how we are treating our land.
This is a common challenge for any city built on landfill along a waterfront so that this art ties into a greater picture of where we are going as our cities grow across the globe.